Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Maybe This Is The Reason Why I Choose As A Journalist..

Affraid to do what's right?
15 Desember 2009 17:03

ni notes dah lama gw tulis, jadi contohnya aga2 ga update..hehe..tp kalo lo pengikut berita bakal tau ko sapa yg gw jadiin perumpamaan ini...
again..sekedar cerita aja si..sama sekedar masukan buat orang2 yg bingung memilih idealisme masing2 atau kebutuhan hidup...

Pernah ngebayang ga kalo lo setelah lo meninggal nanti akan jadi the person of the week. Mungkin hal ini ga pernah dibayangkan oleh alm Muh. Guntur. Seorang camera person senior dari SCTV. Mungkin yang dulu dia pikirkan ketika memulai kariernya sebagai Campers hanyalah bagaimana untuk menemukan sebuah pekerjaan yang bisa menghidupinya atau mungkin saja menjadi seorang jurnalis dari media elektronik yang berbicara melalui gambar merupakan cita-citanya. Dalam kariernya selama 11 tahun, alm pernah ditawari posisi yang lebih tinggi di statiun tv tersebut, tentunya dengan gaji yg lebih besar, tetapi ternyata dia menolaknya.

Sekarang jelas sudah, bahwa dia benar-benar mencintai pekerjaannya sebagai jurnalis. Jika diulik 11 tahun yang lalu, berarti itu tahun 1995 atau 1996. Saat itu rejim orde baru masih berkuasa, dan berita yang ditampilkan di televisi saat itu hanyalah mengenai betapa berhasilnya pembangunan yang dilakukan oleh mantan presiden Soeharto. Lalu SCTV dengan liputan 6nya berani menyajikan sesuatu yang beda. Alm juga salah satu dari orang-orang yang beda itu. Thanks to him, kita bisa melihat Indonesia dari sudut pandang yang berbeda.

Mungkin bagi kita yang masih muda, yang kita pikirkan hanyalah bagaimana agar sekolah yang benar, dapat gelar, cari pekerjaan bergaji tinggi agar bisa hidup tenang. Tapi bagi anda yang ingin jadi jurnalis, pasti tahu bahwa hal ini tidak mungkin untuk didpatkan dari jurnalis yang beridealisme tinggi. Hanya yang kadang tidak kita masukkan sebagai bahan pertimbangan adalah, betapa banyaknya teman dan orang yang akan menghargai dan menghormati anda karena profesi anda sebagai jurnalis. Terkadang kita menganggap jurnalis sebagai pekerjaan yang rendah dan kadang bodoh karena mau untuk menunggu narasumber untuk berjam-jam dan juga karena penampilan mereka yang terkesan dari kalangan yang tidak intelek (karna pakaian mereka yang cuek). Tapi yang kadang terlupa dari kita adalah betapa pentingnya mereka dalam kehidupan bermayarakat. Karena merekalah kita bisa mengetahui apa yang seang terjadi disekeliling kita. Karena merekalah kita jadi tahu apa yang sebenarnya direncanakan dan dilakukan oleh elit-elit politik dan pejabat-pejabat tersebut. Dan itu semua dilakukan dengan gaji rendah dan taruhan nyawa. Hanya karena idealisme sajalah mereka mampu melakukan hal tersebut.

i just want to say..for u who scared to be a journalist cause u think u'll have no opportunities to be a rich person, hear this..when u are rich, people will look at ur money, when it's gone, u will be no one. but when u do something good for a lot of people with sincere, doesn't care u are rich or poor, alive or already dead, people will still looked at u. because they appreciate what u've done! n ur children, and ur children's children, will have the same respect as you have.

Don't be afraid to do what's right,even though sometimes seems suddenly so wrong cause everybody's leaving you. just know that RIGHT thing will last for forever. you won't get rich with it, but surely you will get the purely happiness in it...

An Old Post from 3 years ago...

Are You Addicted?

I just watch another Oprah show..this time is about drug addiction with the testimonial of Tatum O'neil. For a glince, I wont be recognizing my self in her. I was never become a drug addict, I even never see what's the form of a drug. But then, I realized, there is some important point that I can see in her that I have also. It's call addiction.

I think many of us that has an addiction in their life in many form. Addiction is not only for drugs. Addiction to alcohol, addiction to smoke, addiction to sex, addiction to food, addiction to movie, addiction to food, addiction to internet, addiction to facebook, addiction to your ex lover, addiction to your significant other..many kinds of addiction.

What is addiction anyway? Well, I don't look this word in a dictionary. In my opinion addiction is when you feel that u can't let something away from you. U think that it is your live, that if u lose it u will feel like nothing. Addiction is something that u know is not use, that is no advantage in it, that sometimes you know it's a stupid thing. But yet, you just feel that u cant let it go, or release it from your life time. And it took the most of your time. And if u are in a circumstance not able to do it, you will find a way, you will try your very best to find a way, even when you have to sacrifice your life.

I fell that also. Being addicted to something that I know is very stupid and unreasonable. Being addicted to something that makes me do stupid things, crazy things, and make my self like a moron and a jerk in one time.

The problem of being addiction is that our self. We say that we want to be free, but we do nothing to get it. Every time I look my self up in a mirror, I always see the stupid, moron, sad girl that I never ever saw before. Everyone say that I should let go of my addiction. But I cant. Or I wouldn't? Maybe it's more because of I wouldn't. I keep say that I wish I can, but I never say I wish I would. The problem is in you. If only you would let a half of you go and throw it to waste, you can be such a more useful man for the universe.

Being an addiction is not good. It only feels good for a while, but the rest is suffer. We keep blaming God on what happened to us, or maybe we put that blame to demon as well. But actually it's not their fault. God give us an option, devil only tempt us. It's our right to choose, and for me...i choose the wrong option.

Now God say something else to me. I give u another opportunity to choose, let the addiction go or keep being a stupid moron girl. I really wish I can choose the first option. But now I'm still learning to say I would like to choose the first option. I hope you do too..

have a good day everyone..don't wait till it's to late to let your addiction go....