Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Greetings from old fingers....

Its been quite a while since i don't write anymore. Used to, i wrote about politics, and social life in Indonesia, but don't know why, i lost my interest in writing any longer, though i work in writing :) 2012, not many improvement since The Old Dictator Pass Down his crown too his vice. Though democracy has been held in this country, but further more i was thinking, do democracy is what we really want? Used to we have public enemies. but now, things getting worst, no one knows who is the enemy and you are your alliances. i think, having a friend who write a lot in his blog about his journey, and to consider that actually lots of things that i want to share to public the untold story from my news coverage due to the 'visual' reason. * you who work in TV must know this reason :p* so, i hope i can give more information, and my blog will be useful too you who reads it, including those spy agents :p Cheers